Membina peribadi Muslim yg sebenar memerlukan kita untuk lebih mendekatkan diri dgn al-quran & sunnah. Fortunately nowadays there's a lot of resources and chances, what's left is our effort to do so. (tbe2 je tuka bahasa :P).
first of all, lets read this post by our muslim brother:
go to http://quranforbusypeople.word
u may want to read this too:http://quranforbusypeople.word
below are the links which i love to share with you :)
2) - from this website i'v downloaded 2 very cool softwares:
i) Juz 30 - unique quran viewer, u can choose to play certain verses, useful aid in memorising quran. for example, u want to memorise surah an-naba'. the surah has 40 verses. so u can choose to play and repeat the first 10 verses only until u get familiar. (kalo x fhm tryla download n install :P)
ii) Quran CD/mp3 maker - i use this to make mp3 for different maqra'. useful for memorization too, especially utk juzuk awl2.
4) ebook riyadhussoilihin by imam nawawi, leh download dr 4shared. Perhaps leh wat campaign one hadith/day? :)
5) - ni utk buat masterplan :P sume leh jd program coordinator.. huhu..
okay,, i think that's all... semoga Allah mencampakkan keikhlasan dan kesungguhan dlm diri kita utk buat yg terbaik ramadhan kali ni, membina peribadi muslim yg sebenar2nya.. selamat menimba ilmu n beramal :)
Copy: FB Ain Fazil.
P/s: Feel free to kongsi dengan orang tersayang atau terchenta. Bestnye!!
woww. thats alot =D but im sure for Allah, we will try to be the best rite =D
Tak dapat semua, jgn tinggal semua... Inshallah... sama2 kite buat yang terbaik ^^
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